- "About" Help
This page contains and overview of the market, as created by the market managers.
Let Your Local Farmers and Artisans Provide You With:
Fresh Produce * Farm Raised Eggs
Dairy * Meats
Artisan baked goods * Specialty plants
Soaps * Lotions * & More
Order Conveniently from the comfort of your home computer by visiting the market pages
Know what you’re purchasing with more info about the farmers, their farming practices and products on our growers page
Pick up your order at the the parking lot at the corner of Marion Avenue and Highway 90 (Duval Street) across from the Courthouse Annex
Membership fees
To help us with our overhead costs, we ask that you pay an annual fee of $30 per household per one calendar year.
You are welcome to try us for one order before you pay the membership.
The website will automatically add the membership fee to your second order.
Click here for info!
It’s easy! Click sign up! and once you have an account, you can experience what fresh is!